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Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

What is that sound? Why won't your garage door close? It isn't always easy to figure out why your garage door isn't working, which is why I put together this website. I have been installing doors for several years, and I can tell you that garage door problems are some of the toughest issues out there to resolve. In addition to working with complicated motors and difficult panels, you might also find yourself struggling with remote control issues. On my blog, you can learn how to diagnose trouble, so that you aren't left trying to solve illusive, seemingly impossible problems.

Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

What Are Key Signs You Need To Repair Your Garage Door Cable Now?

by Stacey Howell

Garage door cables are an essential component of a functioning garage door. They provide the tension necessary for smooth operation, but over time they can wear out and need to be replaced. Knowing when it's time to repair your garage door cable can be difficult, but there are certain signs that indicate it may be time for some repairs. In this article, we will discuss three key signs that you should look out for when it comes to repairing your garage door cables.

Frayed or Broken Cables

One of the most obvious signs that it might be time to repair your garage door cable is if you notice any fraying or breaks in the length of the cable itself. If you inspect the cable closely and see any fraying along its edges then this could indicate that replacement is necessary as soon as possible. Additionally, if there are any breaks in its length then this is another indication that repairs are needed immediately.

Unusual Noises When Opening or Closing The Door

If you hear any strange noises such as creaking, grinding, or rattling when you open and close your garage door, it could be a sign that one of the components, such as the cable, may need repairing. These noises could indicate that the spring connected to the cable is enduring too much pressure and that the garage door cable may need replacing as soon as possible. Leaving the issue unaddressed could cause further damage, so it's best to handle it as soon as you can.

Uneven Movement Of The Garage Door

Lastly, another indication that it might be time for a repair on your garage door cable is if you notice uneven movement while using it. This could mean one side of your garage door moves faster than the other side which indicates an issue with either one side's motor power not being strong enough. Or it could be due to a worn-out cable on one side not providing enough tension for even movement across both sides.  

In conclusion, there are three main signs that indicate it may be time for some repairs on your garage door cable: frayed or broken cables, unusual noises when opening or closing, and uneven movement across both sides while in use. If you have noticed any of these signs, make sure to contact an expert right away who can assess what needs to be done and ensure everything works properly again.

Contact broken garage door cable repair services to learn more. 
