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Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

What is that sound? Why won't your garage door close? It isn't always easy to figure out why your garage door isn't working, which is why I put together this website. I have been installing doors for several years, and I can tell you that garage door problems are some of the toughest issues out there to resolve. In addition to working with complicated motors and difficult panels, you might also find yourself struggling with remote control issues. On my blog, you can learn how to diagnose trouble, so that you aren't left trying to solve illusive, seemingly impossible problems.

Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

Dealing With Growing Vines Might Require The Help Of A Garage Door Service

by Stacey Howell

Leaving a second home vacant and unattended for several weeks is sometime unavoidable. Upon returning to the property after an absence, homeowners may discover a few unwanted surprises. Among them would be the growth of vines all over the yard. In certain situations, the vines could end up growing onto the walls and doors of the garage. You'll need to be cautious when removing wild growing vines. Tearing the vines in a careless manner could cause unwanted damage to the garage door.

Show Great Care with Vines Growing on the Garage Door

Among the worst things you could do is hit the button on the garage door opener and hope the vines just rip apart. Doing so might cause all sorts of additional problems. If enough pressure builds up, the motor runs the risk of blowing out.

Cutting the vines with scissors and pulling them out is a smart move--but do so carefully. Spraying weed killer is also a good option. Drying out the vines causing them to crinkle and fall apart after turning a dead brown color. Still, you have to worry about jams if you are moving the vines by hand.

Warning Signs to Heed

Once you remove as many vines as you can, you can test the garage door. However, you'll want to watch out for the following signs as it opens:

  • sputtering or sticking as it rolls itself up (vine detritus can jam the rollers)
  • the smell of burning from the gears. 

At this point, the best course of action is to talk with a garage door repair service, like America's Garage Doors LLC.

Professional Cleaning and Maintenance Works

The garage door repair team likely will take apart the gears, rollers, and various other components and clean out all the vine debris stuck in the system. The removed parts would then be cleaned and lubricated before being re-installed. Broken parts, of course, are replaced.

Using a Vine Guard

After the initial repair work is done, a little preventive maintenance might be necessary. Getting rid of the vines may not be enough. Installing vine guards or a pergola helps redirect vine growth and reduce the chances the growth gums up the system again. Vine guards are also a good way to keep the curb appeal of vines. Be sure to ask the garage repair pros about the best way to use the guard. Thanks to their professional expertise, they may be able to offer advice on where it is best to install the guards. They may very well even be able to install the vine guard for you.
