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Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

What is that sound? Why won't your garage door close? It isn't always easy to figure out why your garage door isn't working, which is why I put together this website. I have been installing doors for several years, and I can tell you that garage door problems are some of the toughest issues out there to resolve. In addition to working with complicated motors and difficult panels, you might also find yourself struggling with remote control issues. On my blog, you can learn how to diagnose trouble, so that you aren't left trying to solve illusive, seemingly impossible problems.

Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

The Do's And Don'ts Of Garage Door Maintenance

by Stacey Howell

There are many different areas of your home that need regular inspections and maintenance, including your garage door. By performing routing maintenance, you allow the garage door to keep running smoothly, but you can also look for warning signs of repairs that need to be done. Here are some tips for maintaining your garage door.

Do: Lubricate moving mechanisms

Lubricating oil will be your new best friend when it comes to your garage door. If you hear squeaking when the garage door opens and closes, apply some lubricating oil to all moving parts. This will lubricate the metal parts and allow them to run seamlessly. You can either use a spray lubricant, which is often easier to use, or you can try white lithium grease. Make sure to lubricate the springs, chains, screws, and other hardware.

Do: Tighten the hardware

Another thing you should do when maintaining your garage door is locating all of the hardware and tightening the screws and bolts. Even if you are not currently having a problem with the garage door, this is a good thing to do. It lets you inspect these areas of the door while being sure everything is secure. It can help prevent a dangerous situation if those brackets got any looser. Pay close attention to the bolts and roller brackets.

Don't: Ignore the weatherstripping

When you are maintaining your garage door, inspect the weatherstripping. This is a strip of rubber weather seal located at the bottom of the garage door. It is important because it keeps outdoor elements from your garage, such as rain, snow, and ice. If the weatherstripping is starting to look cracked or brittle, it is at risk of failing if a storm comes in. Remove it and replace it with new weatherstripping.

Don't: Forget to test the safety features

If your garage door has an auto-reverse safety feature, make sure you test it to be sure it is working properly. Auto-reverse causes the garage door to go the opposite direction if there is an obstruction in its path. This can protect your children as the door will not shut while they are standing in the way. To test the safety feature, place a brick on the round where it blocks the path of the door. Turn the garage door on so that it attempts to close. When it reaches the brick, it should reverse its patch and open up again. For more information, contact a business such as Unifour Door Systems LLC.
