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Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

What is that sound? Why won't your garage door close? It isn't always easy to figure out why your garage door isn't working, which is why I put together this website. I have been installing doors for several years, and I can tell you that garage door problems are some of the toughest issues out there to resolve. In addition to working with complicated motors and difficult panels, you might also find yourself struggling with remote control issues. On my blog, you can learn how to diagnose trouble, so that you aren't left trying to solve illusive, seemingly impossible problems.

Diagnosing Garage Door Trouble

A Homeowner's Guide To Garage Door Problems And What They Should Try To Repair

by Stacey Howell

Garage doors are a ubiquitous part of life. Most people raise and lower their garage door at least twice a day, and often more. It's such an important part of life that it's easy to panic when your garage door stops working. Many people either jump into calling for help, or decide on a whim to tackle the repair job all by themselves, which may not always be the best idea.

It's important that you understand whether you can fix a problem with your garage door safely and effectively before starting on it. Here are a few of the most common issues and what you should know about repair:

Wobbly or Unbalanced Operation

One of the most common issues with garage doors is a wobbling movement when it is raised or lowered. This is usually one of the problems that can be easily fixed on your own. The most probable cause comes down to obstructions within the tracks.

To address the problem, run through the tracks with a broom to clear any dirt or debris. Try turning the broom around and use the handle to run the length of the track on either side in order to clear any tough obstructions. Afterwards, use a heavy lithium grease lubricant to lubricate the track thoroughly.

If after all of this you are still seeing problems, it may be best to call in for professional help as it might indicate a problem with the more complex components.

Garage Door Will Not Open

Occasionally, the garage door will not open at all. If you have checked and the garage door opener is fine, the issue is probably with the garage door's torsion springs. In theory, it is possible to fix the spring system on your own.

In practice, it is one of the more difficult parts of a garage door to fix. The garage door springs system needs to bear the weight of the garage door in order  to operate. It can be difficult for the average homeowner to work on a system which has such a hefty job. Because of this, it's usually best to call for professional help if you see that the garage door isn't working at all due to damaged torsion springs.

Regardless of the type of problem you are having with your garage door, it is imperative to make sure you know what you are doing before jumping into a repair job on your own. It is all too easy to cause more damage to the door or even harm yourself in the process.
